Wednesday, October 31, 2007

O.K., so maybe I am not so "special," but I am unique.

What’s the difference between being special and being unique? I think that specialness is something that people seek out, while uniqueness is something that exists within/among a person without actively trying to get it. (See "How I am becoming a celebrity")
On this note, I feel that the things that make me unique are characteristics that I was born with or have arisen in me without me actually working to get them. I am unique in my compassion. For a long time I thought that compassion was something that everyone had, but I have found this untrue. Multiple people have approached me about the work I have done in New Orleans in Katrina relief efforts. They wonder how I could give up my Spring Break and May Break to go do such hard and dirty work. Some people are those who made one trip to New Orleans and couldn’t figure out why I went back again, and then again. To be honest, it was something I never thought twice about. I didn’t understand how people could NOT go. I think this is what makes me unique.

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